Studio Policy for Academic Year 2023-2024

Studio Year

The piano lesson schedule will begin on August 21, 2023


There will not be lessons for the following dates:

  • November 20-25: Thanksgiving break

  • December 18-30 :  Christmas break

  • March 25- April 5 : Spring break

  • Summer lessons are offered starting in June


Piano lessons will be on Monday - Fridays. Lessons are either 30 minutes once a week or 45 minutes once a week.  Students will have an assignment to do each week.  Practice at home is expected.

Tuition/ Payment

Payments are to be paid in cash or check (made to Mika Mulford).  Payments are due the first lesson of each month.  If payments are late there will be a 5% late fee.  For 30 minute lessons the fee is $100 per month , 45 minute lessons the fee is $140 per month and 60 minute Buddy Lessons are $148 per month.

 Registration Fee:

There is a once a year $85 regestration fee. This fee holds your students’ spot in the schedule and goes towards all books and music for that year, excluding Festival fees and Festival music. Festivals are optional.

Parent Communication

Emails between parents and the studio are often necessary.  This is how I will communicate studio events, schedule updates and any other studio business.

Home Practice

Students are expected to practice at home at least 5 days a week; I will assign lessons each week and post assignments in the practice app. Quality of practice is better than quantity. 

Missed Lessons

If student’s need to miss a lesson, please notify me as soon as you know. Students are welcome to record themselves at home and send it to me for review for that week.


  • Mulford’s Piano Studio will hold 2 to 3 piano recitals within the school year. They will be scheduled and announced at a later date.

  • March  Jr. Festival/Gold Cup at the First Baptist Church in Jefferson City

Exact date and time will be announced closer to the time.

Junior Festival

Students are welcome to participate in the National Federation of Music Clubs Junior Festival.  Students choose 2 pieces from American and International Composers to memorize and perform for evaluation.  Students earn points towards a gold cup trophy.  It does take 3 or more years of participation to earn the gold cup.  I am happy to explain more to those who are interested. I will need at least 5 students interested in order to split up the entry fee.  The Festival is held at the First Baptist Church in Jefferson City and there will be a fee plus the cost of music.  The date is usually the first or second weekend of March.  I will know the date closer to the time. Students who have been taking lessons for 9 months or more will be strongly encouraged to participate in the Junior Festival.


I give students and parents my utmost respect and attention and expect the same in return.  If I feel that the student and/or parent are not respecting my studio, home or me; a discussion will be made to discuss an improvement or termination of lessons. If there are chronic late payments or no payments made, lessons will be terminated. When entering the house I do expect students to take off their shoes at the door.  Do not worry about ringing the doorbell, just come on in.  I will have a hand sanitizer to use before lessons, or washing hands will be expected before lessons.  Parents are welcome to come in a wait or drop off their students only.

 Thank you for joining my studio.  I’m looking forward to making beautiful music together.



Mika Mulford  

 *****Continuation of lessons indicates agreement to these policies.